Encinitas Chamber of Commerce

Support Los Angeles Fire Relief Efforts

View this list of organizations providing relief to victims of the recent fires and find ways you can support those in need.

Ways you can support:

The Great Kindness Challenge: The Kindness Challenge is an initiative that encourages people to perform acts of kindness and compassion. It provides a checklist of 50 kind acts and aims to create a culture of compassion, acceptance, unity, and respect.

Recover and Rebuild: Resources and Steps for Business Recovery | Outsmart Disaster: Outsmart Disaster is a disaster awareness campaign that includes a no-cost business continuity training program offered by the California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA)12. The program equips California businesses and nonprofits with the training and resources they need to prepare for and recover from all types of business interruptions.

Best Friends Animal Society: Their mission is to work with shelters, rescue groups, and members nationwide to bring about a time when there will be no homeless pets, demonstrating that showing kindness to animals can build a better world for all.

Home Loss File System: The Home Loss File System is a portable file box designed to help families who have lost their homes in a natural disaster. It contains pre-labeled hanging file folders and manila folders to organize important forms, receipts, and documents.

California Wildfires – Campaign: We remain committed to helping our selfless first responders as they fight to save their communities and rebuild their own lives.