Environmental Sustainability
Sustainability resources for your business:
City of Encinitas Environmental Initiatives

Climate Dashboard
The City’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) outlines the specific actions the City will need to take to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and build resilience against future climate change. Since adoption in January 2018 and interim update in November 2020, the City has been steadily implementing measures to meet CAP goals. The City’s Climate Dashboard monitors and tracks the status of implementation. It provides a breakdown of each measure, its targets, and progress.
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
Increasing usage of clean vehicles and other transportation alternatives is a key strategy in reducing the City’s greenhouse gas emissions. The City’s Climate Action Plan aims to increase the use of electric vehicles and promote the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. These measures work hand in hand to make electric vehicles not only a cleaner source of transportation, but also a more convenient and accessible one.
Energy Efficiency and Green Building Incentives and Regulations
The city’s local Energy and Green Building requirements (Ordinance No.’s 2022-13 and 2022-14) mandate enhanced energy efficiency and green building features on certain development projects, including all-electric design, energy efficiency measures, electric vehicle charging, and plumbed graywater systems. Buildings built to green standards use less energy on cooling and heating, incorporate energy saving appliances and behaviors, and improve indoor air quality and comfort for building occupants. The City’s Green Building Incentive Program rewards projects that achieve certification through USGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) program or
Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers
In 2019, Encinitas City Council adopted an ordinance limiting the use of gas-powered leaf blowers. Transitioning away from fossil-fuel based off-road equipment is one of the strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the City’s Climate Action Plan. The benefits of prohibiting gas-powered leaf blowers include avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions; decreased noise levels; and reduction in suspended dust, allergens, and other harmful particulates.
Lighter-Than-Air Balloons
On May 13, 2021, the City’s Environmental Commission passed a recommendation to the City Council to Adopt a Resolution and Ordinance to regulate the sale, use, distribution, and release of all lighter than air filled balloons in the City of Encinitas.
Organics (Green Waste & Food Waste)
As of June 1, 2021, Encinitas residents can place food scraps (in addition to yard waste) in their green roll-out carts. EDCO will collect and process the materials into digestate (which can be further processed into fertilizer) and renewable energy. By reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill, the program will result in cleaner air, healthier soils, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
Property Assessed Clean Energy
PACE is an innovative way to finance energy efficiency, water efficiency, and renewable energy upgrades for residential and commercial buildings. PACE financing enables individuals and businesses to defer the upfront costs of energy efficiency, water efficiency and renewable energy improvements. PACE loans are paid over a long period of time while energy and/or water costs are simultaneously lower, which typically provides the property owner with net savings. PACE overcomes challenges that have hindered adoption of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for many property owners.
Smoking Ordinance
As of July 11, 2023, smoking and vaping are prohibited in all public places within the City of Encinitas. The new smoking rules were implemented in an effort to reduce waste, protect the environment, and limit the public’s secondhand smoke exposure.
Single-Use Plastics Ordinance
Since January 2020, the City has regulated the distribution of single-use plastic straws and utensils by food providers. Since then, additional ordinances were passed to address plastic pollution from plastic beverage containers and polystyrene products. The ordinances intend to reduce plastic pollution in the environment, including waterways and beaches.
Bee City
On January 25, 2023, City Council adopted a resolution to become a Bee City USA Affiliate. the affiliation highlights the City’s efforts to support and protect local pollinators by promoting native habitat and plants, including in implementation of an Integrated Pest Management Policy to reduce the City’s use of pesticides.

Sustainable Transportation Services
SANDAG provides resources to easily find alternatives to driving alone that fit your lifestyle.
SANDAG offer incentives, subsidies, and educational programs so you can choose the ride that works for you:

California Air Resources Board
CARB is the lead agency for California’s fight against climate change, and oversees all air pollution control efforts in the state to attain and maintain health-based air quality standards.
Sustainability Certifications
Blue Verified
Blue’s three-star verification system helps businesses to reduce single-use plastics and make a continuous commitment to sustainability, while celebrating incremental achievements along the way.
To become Blue Verified, businesses need to measurably remove single-use plastics and implement Blue Actions. Blue Actions are best practices for comprehensive sustainable operations.