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Housing Element section of our City’s general plan
Every local government in the state is required to demonstrate how it will accommodate a certain amount of population growth at all income levels. Encinitas needed to show it was able to allow for the construction of 1,200 low-income homes in its land use plans in 2013, but it missed that deadline.
In order to update their housing element – and bring the city into compliance with state law – the change needs to be approved by voters under a rule that was passed by Encinitas voters in 2013, which gave them direct say over any change to the city’s zoning or land use regulations.
More information can be viewed here: http://www.encinitasca.gov/index.aspx?page=403[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px”][vc_column fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][text_output]
While no one wants a high density residential area in their neighborhood the fact is Encinitas is in violation of State law. The city has been working on a housing element plan for over 6 years. Since the most recent plan, which was on the November ballot failed, the City has gone back to meeting with the local residents to see if another plan can be hammered out. We are all waiting to see what the City’s new plan will be.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]