Emergency : 911
Resources & Services: 211 San Diego, 211
San Diego County Sheriff : 760-966-3500
Encinitas Fire Department : 760-633-2800
City of Encinitas Links:
Encinitas Parks and Recreation
City of Encinitas Arts and Events
Tools to communicate with the City
E Comment (link coming soon)
The City Council can receive your comments on current agenda items via this website. The
public eComment period opens when the City Council agenda is posted and closes at noon the
day of the regular meeting. During the eComment period, click on the Current Council Agenda
to find the links within the online agenda.
The Public eComment system helps new voices to be heard in the democratic process. Citizens
fill out a web comment form which is embedded into the online Council agendas. The data from
the form is organized into a report for the City Council.
The City will be posting city announcements on the neighborhood networking site NextDoor
Is an online surveying system. Comments will be cataloged and become part of the offical record on the issue.
Community of Encinitas Links:
Cardiff 101 Mainstreet Association
Encinitas 101 Mainstreet Association
Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association
Click Here*******