November 12, 2015 – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sigmund Penn is a SCORE mentor who offers clients the value of his experience in the food industry. He created and owned three restaurant chains in Houston as well as a national ice cream franchise, the Mable Slab Creamery (Cold Stone concept).
Arnie Garcia is a business outreach and energy solutions advisor for SDG&E working closely with many business trade associations in the greater San Diego area. Arnie will present on SDG&E’s Programs, services, tools, rebates, appliances and rates.
Steven Zolezi, President Food & Beverage Association of San Diego. He will speak about the new restaurant rules and regulations for 2016 that will affect the food Industry.
Brook Larios, Founder and CEO of Plain Clarity Communications. The importance of getting your message out there where it counts.
San Diego Gas & Electric Innovation Center
4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92117